De l'autre côté de mon rêve
(Recorded in October 1972, and released on 8 December 1972.
Produced by Michel Berger)


Morale: This is one of Véro's faster numbers of the time.  Perhaps it will
take you several plays to get used to "Morale", but it grows on
you strongly!

Une Nuit Sur Son Epaule: This is my favourite track from the "Comme ils
l'imaginent" live album release.  What's more, this version is better!

Devine-moi: This track has movement to it, and a very catchy
tune.  It's simplicity is very effective, and it could easily become
your favourite. The  "b" side to the "Drôle de vie" single.

Toute Seule:  A strong track, but this one probably comes out better in
concert.  The "b" side to the "Imagine" single release.

Angela:   Véro had the habit of slotting in a short song... and this one is
very short.  The few seconds it lasts, it's very strong.  A pity more work
wasn't done on it.

De l'autre côté de mon rêve:  A pleasant and smooth sound, but not
the strongest track on the album even though it's the title track.

Chanson sur ma drôle de vie:  This one is a flash of musical
inspiration.  Lively and catchy.  Released as the second single.

Loreleï:   A beautiful little melody where Véro speaks to Loreleï.
This song will pleasantly linger in your mind.

Comme je l'imagine:  One of the best to be penned by Véronique.
Her latest live album takes its title from this track.  It's again got that
movement and original touch.  The first single release from the album.

King Kong:  Another relatively fast song, but I think that Véro was
having a bit of fun with the lyrics... King Kong, ta cervelle est grosse
comme une balle de ping-pong!


[Albums]  [Odeur de Neige]


Revised: July 01, 2002.