Recorded February - April 1977 in Los Angeles.
Released 12 October 1977.


Bernard's Song (Il n'est de nulle part): Musically very strong and one of
Véronique's rockier tracks.  A great guitar riff, and lively lyrics.

Les Délices d'Hollywood:   One of her all-time classics.  A great theme,
and a sophisticated feel as if it were several songs combined.

Comment crois-tu que la musique vienne:  Memorable because of it's
catching top line, which in turn gives it the quality feel.  A slower number
than the opening tracks, but always plenty of sparkle.

J'ai perdu ton adresse:   Another likeable song though it might not
stand out like some of the others.  It's a song about being lost in
the city, but it loses no appeal!

Y'a pas de doute il faut que je m'en aille:  The title certainly gets the
record - and the song does too.  This is the best track of the album, and
was the opener on her 93/94 tours.  Many people find this the best
song Véro has made.

Harmonies:  Things slow down again for a lovely melody.  Beautiful
chorus, and capturing lyrics: "laisse pleurer la mélancolie, et toutes
les harmonies".

Féminin:  Very active track, and great for a sing-song!  From how some
have interpreted this track, I don't know whether Véronique ever
regrets writing it... Hmmm!

L'amour est différent:   You are attracted as soon as the first verse begins,
although I find the first part of the chorus musically slightly out of place.
Lovely to sing along to "Hiver et été" in the latter section... shame that
part is so short!

How Many Lies:  Her most beautiful "quiet track" on the album, and
sung in English (guess who for!).  Released as a single in April 1977
with "féminin" on the flip!

Les Délires d'Hollywood:   The second of the two "title tracks", quieter,
and less well known.  It's short, but while it lasts, this song *really*
sparkles.  How I wish this gets re-worked and lengthened one day!


[Albums]  [Odeur de Neige]


Revised: July 01, 2002.