Lyon - Véro in concert
(Wednesday 14th July 1999)


Translation from "Le Progrès": 15/07/99
Four thousand in love:
Vibrating and highly charged, Véronique Sanson's concert has been certified platinum. Last night, at the Fourvière Amphitheatre, the singer triggered the devotion of four thousand spectators. It was more than of the love: it was furore.
She said to herself amoureuse. She was just that. She said to herself fearsome, indestructible. Last night in the Fourvière Théätre, Véronique Sanson was vibrant, exuberant, roaring. While playing "with hidden sparks deep in the the sky, she "sang in Vancouver's harbour". No doubt: the public liked it and had been seduced. The stands had been taken in assault. But that was normal: 14th July remains a day of conquest.
The small blond silhouette cast in leather, Véronique Sanson burst forth her voice like a torrent. Impeccable acoustics and put in an astute light. Some songs were twenty-five years old, yet they were in the air of time. A question of rhythm, but question of voice also, indomitable, a throaty voice of shattering cracks.
An appetizing entrance in material:
The singer didn't disappoint the Lyonnais: jubilant, happy energetic, it was "exclusively feminine". It is true that before Véronique Sanson, it was Clarika that had stamped around on stage. A singer with airs of Lolita, overcharged and hyperactive. If she didn't inflame the public as did Sanson, this young woman has for her the impertinence of simple and fluid writing. Naîve, with texts often touching lightly on childishness, Clarika sang with an uncertain voice as previously did Jeanne Moreau. With her "tearjerking machine for grandmothers", a double-bass and a piano, Clarika was a very appetizing entrance to the evening.
When brass lay silent and that the drums had given their final beat, floods of cushions spun in their air. As for those for whom the 14th July was still young, they left to the assault of unknown Bastilles.


[Concerts]  [Odeur de Neige]


Revised: July 01, 2002.