Harmonies |
(Newsletter # 3 - le 7 juin 1982) |
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Aujourd’hui je brise le silence né voici plus de 3
mois. Période entracte. Rien de notable sinon le mixage du troisième album de
Bernard qui sort ces jours-ci, "Priez pour moi" (WEA
52399). Mais Véro a d’autres projets... cinématographiques. Tout d’abord, elle composera bientôt la musique d’un film (qui sera vraisemblablement tourné à l’automne) avec Françoise Fabian dans un des rôles principaux. Puis elle sera elle-même l’objet d’un court puis d’un long métrage, ceci au cours de l’année 83. Tous ces projets sont l’Ïuvre d’une personne dont j’aurai l’occasion de vous reparler : Kanou, qui habite à Orgeval et qui connaît Véro depuis plusieurs années.
Si vous n’avez pu vous procurer le
song-book de Véronique, vous pouvez le commander en envoyant un chèque
de 40F à Import Diffusion Music, 42-44 rue du Fer à Moulin, 75005 Paris.
Véro and Bernard have been in France for three weeks, but without Titou or Cali because of their school obligations. Véronique has been very touched by all the mail that she received for her birthday and she thanks each and everyone of you. In her new home, Véronique has been working at the piano a bit, and she has already written a few makings of songs, but she prefers to say no more at the moment. Then there must be a date (you know that each artist works at their own rhythm, and cannot suddenly announce that the writing is finished), but all that can be said is that, all being well, Véro will be back on stage and disc (American album) during the first quarter of ‘83. But Véro has some other projects - in the cinema. Firstly, soon she is writing the music for a film (probably to be shot in the autumn) with Françoise Fabian in one of the starring roles. Then she shall herself be in a short film, and then a feature length film, all during the year ‘83. All of these projects are in the works, thanks to a person who I will be talking to you again about, Kanou, who lives in Orgeval, and has known Véro for several years.
For the moment though, open your
eyes, and check your favourite TV magazine because Véro and Bernard will
feature inside. At the time of writing, I am still awaiting the times of the
programmes. And it seems difficult for me to alert you in advance in that
everything is normally decided very quickly. But if at all possible, I will
not miss anything for sure... |
Revised: July 01, 2002. |