Harmonies |
(Number 2 Part 2 - Autumn 1979) |
. | Comment expliques-tu le fait que tu chantes
tes chansons différent sur scène ?
tes propres disques ?
T'est-il arrivé
de te dire "J'ai enregistré trop tôt, j'aurai dû faire
telle ou telle chose, rajouter tel ou tel instrument" ?
Écris-tu plus facilement
en période de gaîté ou de cafard ?
Joues-tu d'un autre
instrument que la guitare et le piano en dehors des enregistrements ?
Te souviens-tu de visages,
de réactions individuelles lors de tes tournées ou dans une salle
comme le Palais des Sport ?
Es-tu à l'aise
à la télévision ?
Es-tu à l'aise
dans l'avion ? Qu'y fais-tu ?
Quel est pour toi le
plus grand personnage, musicalement parlant ?
As-tu des projets cinématographiques
Quel genre de films
aimes-tu ?
As-tu déjà
participé à des séances de spiritisme ?
Catherine Lara, William Sheller, Françoise Hardy, Daniel Balavoine
Que penses-tu de la
guerre ?
Faut-il nécessairement
qu'un spectacle ne reste pas un concert, mais devienne un show?
Comment prépares-tu
tes chansons pour un disque ? Y-a-t'il des chansons qui dorment dans
les tiroirs ? Pourquoi celles-ci ?
Te sentirais-tu prête à faire un récital seule au piano comme Barbara ? Non. Je conçois au départ mes chansons avec des musiciens ? Pour la musique que j'aime faire, le piano n'offre pas à lui seul une sonorité suffisamment riche. |
How do you explain the fact that you sing songs differently when you play live? It is
a question of ambience. In concert it is different, because the audience
carry me through which helps me.
I never ever listen to myself. Have you ever said to yourself, "I put that down on tape too quickly. I should have done something else, or added this or that instrument"? No. When I decide to record a song, it is completely there and it is clear in my head. I can see exactly how it is going to be. So, I never have any regrets. Do you write more easily when you are feeling happy or sad? Both the same. Do you play any other instrument apart from the piano and the guitar when you are not recording? No, apart from the harmonica and the cithare when I was a child. Do you remember faces, and individuals’ reactions during the tours, or at a venue such as "Palais des Sports"? Never, because on stage, the venue becomes a big black hole. I don’t see the audience until the hall lights come back on. Are you at ease on television? Less so than in concert because of the atmosphere. Are you relaxed on an aircraft? What do you do? Yes. I read, I watch the film, and I sleep. Who for you is the biggest character, musically speaking? Paul McCartney. Do you have projects for the cinema? Since 1974 I have been doing a project with Jean Seberg, and she wrote the scenario. I even did some screen tests when I was pregnant. What kind of films to you like? All kinds of films. I really liked "Close encounters of the third kind". Have you ever participated in a spiritual séance? No Do you like Catherine Lara, William Sheller, Francoise Hardy, and Daniel Balavoine? Yes. Also, I know them a little in person, except Balavoine. What do you think of the war? I am against it. Is it important that your performances are not just concerts but actually become a real show? For me no, because the music comes before everything. That also means that I do appreciate the visual side of a musical concert too. How do you prepare your songs for recording? Do you have songs that are still in the vaults? If so, why these? It is necessary that they form a complete "homogene". That is because there are periods that I write a lot, and I keep only the last one which seems to be the best one. Do you feel ready to do a solo recital on the Piano like Barbara? No. In the beginning I wrote my songs to be played with musicians. For the music I like to make, the piano alone doesn’t offer a sound which is rich enough. |
Revised: July 01, 2002. |