Harmonies |
(Number 3 Part 2 - Winter 1979) |
. | Theme Astral (suite)
Nous avions demandé vos commentaires et vos critiques pour cette page; vos remarques ont un point commun: le thème astral plonge les néophytes dans l'abîme. Nous allons donc commencer par le début: Véro est taureau ascendant Lion.
Dans un thème astral, il y a donc quatre
facteurs essentiels:
Ceci n'a rien d'un cours d'astrologie, loin
de là, mais cette explication était juste destinée
à répondre aux questions que vous nous avez posées. Revenons à nos moutons: il s'agit ici de la position des planètes
dans les maisons:
Astral theme (...cont) We have asked for your comments and your criticisms about this theme, and your remarks have a point in common. The astral theme puts the novices into the abyss. We will therefore start at the beginning: Véro is Taurus ascending Leo. - Why Taurus: because at the time of birth, the sun was (astrologically) in Taurus. - Why ascending Leo: the importance of the ascendant. It counts a lot towards the definition of character. You can say that Véro is about 60% Taurus and 40% Leo. - For the planets: Always at the time of birth, each planet occupies a position in the signs of the zodiac. - Why the houses: They touch each aspect of life (for example, house concerning the links with the external world, or the journeys). In an astral theme, there are four essential factors: - The sign, and the subject's ascendant. - The position of the planets in the signs. - The position of the planets in the houses. You can equally take into account la position of the houses in the signs. This is not a course in astrology; far from that, but this explanation is designed to answer the questions that you have asked us. Let us return to the point: the position of the planets in their houses: Mercury (planet of human contact, the exchanges) is in house 10 with Véro. Signification: professional success through social contact (but equally through intelligence) and evidently by expression. A profession which involves travel.
Revised: July 01, 2002. |