Harmonies |
(Number 3 Part 7 - Winter 1979) |
. | Quelques échos
de la tournée...
Le Bob Meighan Band, le groupe qui a accompagné
Véronique tout au long de la tournée, est déjà
célèbre aux États-unis et notamment en Arizona. "Capitol
Records" y a distribué 3 albums "Bob Meighan Band" mais ce nom ne
représentait pas le groupe que nous connaissons. Au début
de l'année prochaine, l'actuel groupe (le meilleur B.M. Band d'après
Neil Commenator, leur manager) enregistrera un album composé de
leur propres chansons car les titres qu'ils interprètent avant que
Véronique n'entre en scène ne sont pas d'eux: "Taking of
the top" (l'instrumental) est de Dixie Dregs, "Shuffle" de Ian Mathews
et "Already free" (chantée par Clay, le saxo) de Nick Jones.
Aussi rapide qu'une fusée, un bolide
fonce à travers la nuit, pénètre dans le parking de
l'aéroport de Roissy. Ses roues crissent dans les virages. Les gens s'écartent sur son passage, en faisant le signe de
croix. Soudain, il s'immobilise. Rectification: le bolide n'est qu'une R5
bleue marine. En descendent une jeune fille avec un large sourire
et un garçon, tout pale, claquant des dents.
- As-tu une anecdote à raconter?
Some stories from the tour The Bob Meighan Band, the support group for Véronique during the whole tour, is already well known in the USA and notably in Arizona. "Capitol Records" have released three albums from the "Bob Meighan Band" but the name does not represent the group which we know. At the beginning of next year, the current group (the best B.M. Band according to Neil Commenator, their manager) will record an album made up of their own songs, because the tracks that they sang before Véro came on stage were not their own: "Taking on the top (instrumental), by Dixie Dregs, "Shuffle" by Ian Mathews, and "Already Free" (sung by Clay, le saxophonist) by Nick Jones. At the end of January, they will go to Germany with Véro for some television shows, and in the beginning of February, they will do some galas and nightclubs. Information received from our special correspondant: Katia. Also, as fast as a bullet, a sportscar through the night enters the car park at Roissy Airport. The tyres squeak on the bends. People get out of the way, and make the sign of a cross. Suddenly the car stopped. Correction: the sportscar was only a marine blue Renault 5. Getting out of the car was a young girl wearing a large smile, and a pale boy, grinding his teeth. - "Do you always drive like that Katia?" he asked her. Just a litte joke in fact. If we are here at Roissy, 23rd December, it is to pick up the suitcases of Miss Sanson who arrived yesterday. One hour of waiting in front of thousands of bags... and still no sign of those belonging to Véro. I begin talking about the tour. - Tell us a little (the readers of "Harmonies") how a concert is prepared. - It is Chris (the big Englishman who drives the pink lorry) who arrives first at the venue where she will sing. He often travels during the night. He assesses the venue. The technicians arrive next (often twelve of them) and early, to construct the stage. It takes about 4 hours to build it, and 2 hours to take it down. Towards 18h, the musicians arrive for the "sound check" (acoustic checks of the venue) and then they go to their hotel. As for me, I prepare Véro's dressing room, iron her clothes, and look after the musicians. Véro does not rehearse during the day, but arrives at the last minute. It is Tony Lennon (the "big manintu" of the tour) who comes to find her in her dressing room after the final song for the band. She is always full of stage fright. I accompany her to the stage, and she holds my hand tightly. Then afterwards, before the final encore, I wait for her with a cigarette for when she comes off stage. It is a ritual. - Which have been the most successful concerts? - Marseille (4000 people) and Lyon. Véronique doesn't like quiet audiences who do not move. It was from Lyon I think that she ended the show with an English song: "Show me the way to go home". - Which are the songs that the musicians prefer to accompany? - I have done my own research on that one as you requested: Craig Siegel (keyboards): Vancouver Plato T. Jones (percussion): Vancouver - Alia Souza - Mariavah Eric Esteve (male singer): Alia Souza - Mariavah Richie Cavanaugh (lead guitar): Mariavah - Celui qui n'essaie pas Bernard Swell (rhythm guitar): On m'attend là-bas Bob Meighan (group leader): Vanvouver - Le Maudit - Mariavah Dick Furlow (Bass): Vancouver - Mariavah Clay Brown (Saxo): Mi-maître, mi-esclave - Alia Souza - Mariavah Milt Miller (drums): Mariavah - Do you have an anecdote to tell us? - Yes. You know, at the final concert, anything goes! In Nancy (on the 4th), during the final song, the technicians came onto the stage, and started to take it apart, and take away the musicians. The audience didn't say much, but when they took Véro's microphone, they all stood up! - Do you miss the atmosphere of the tour? - Yes. Happily I stay in contact with the musicians by telephone and by letter. Regarding Véro, after having done some television shows in Rio, she visited Christopher in Los Angeles, and then she came back, suntanned, to spend the holidays in Paris. - So, are you sure that Véro's luggage will arrive? - Wait... at least they came yesterday... ah look, there they are! Laurent |
Revised: September 08, 2002. |