Les Tyrans
(From the album "Indestructible")

Unofficial translation of "Les Tyrans", a song written by Véronique Sanson
(produced with permission)


You believed all that I was strong 
And you were right 
In the hereafter I will rejoin all the Tyrants 
They have accounts to settle with me, Mao, Pétain, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Cabbage In Lay, Tchang Kai-Chek, Gengis Khan, Attila, Pol Pot, William the Conquerer, Rudolf Hess, Eichman. 
All the stupid kings 
Who reigned only through killing 

I've always lived in a world of men 
Where everyone smiles but says nothing 
The one that ate the (forbidden) apple 
God told me that this is not a woman 

Everything was just violence 
And makers of destruction 
And if they can't appreciate true values 
I can sell them my illusions 

I will be born again in my ashes 
That provoked their fires 
Pathetic, destitute and Dantesque 
Pitiless and without any thanks 

You all believed that I was strong 
And you are right 
In the hereafter I will rejoin all the tyrants 
They have accounts to settle with me, Pinochet, Ceaucescu, Franco, Mobutu, Noriega and Duvallier, Bokassa, Amin Hobby-horse, Néron, Torquemada, 
All the stupid kings 
Who reigned only through killing 

I won't live in a deathcamp 
No one will ever have my skin 
My obligatory solitudes will remain 
Nailed in my back 
As far as the deepest of my hopes 
I believed that one would send me higher 
The one that came to see me 
Had venom in his bones 
He will never know, never know the end of the story


[Songs in English index]  [Odeur de Neige]


Revised: July 01, 2002.