Toute une vie sans te voir
(From the album "7ème")

Unofficial translation of "Toute une vie sans te voir", a song written by Véronique Sanson
(produced with permission)


He left just as he had come 
Without a word 
With a smile in the corner of his lips 
And me 
I still dream of him 
All night 

Just his steps on the square rug 
In the night 
His eyes that see me in obscurity 
His voice 
That I hear in my dream 
Sad and beautiful 

Change my destiny 
Touch me from afar 
I'm calling you for nothing 
But if you knew what that does 

A whole life without seeing you 
It's that what gives me pain 
It's that what makes me grow older 
A whole life without stories 
To only imagine you 
I suppose 
As a poor prisoner 
Or like a man who gives his all 

He left just as he had come 
Without a word 
With a tear flowing down his lips 
And me 
I still dream of him 
Every night 
I come back from afar 
And return from it all 
But what I fear 
It is to know that I am going to spend 
All my life without seeing you 

It's that what give me pain 
It is that what makes me grow older 
It's that what makes me curse 
Certains hasards of chance 
And there it is 

Time passes as it will pass 
I have some grey hair already 
I cannot waste my life anymore 

Because a whole life without seeing you 
It's that what gives me pain 
It's that what makes me grow older 
And I lost my soul 
When I lost your smile 
That day 
When I lost my love 
And I have some grey hair already 
I cannot waste my life anymore.


[Songs in English index]  [Odeur de Neige]


Revised: July 01, 2002.